Why Kim Woods Yoga

About Me...

I first practised yoga in my teens but have been practising regularly for nearly 30 years.  Yoga is now central to my life and the way I live. My practice has helped me grow stronger, more flexible and fearless, both on and off the mat. Yoga inspires me to live each moment more mindfully.
I am an Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher (E-RYT 500) having completed my original Hatha Yoga Teacher  training with Bahia Yoga in Nottingham and Advanced Integrative Teacher Training with My Vinyasa Practice in Austin, Texas.  I am also a specialist in TeenYoga with The TeenYoga Foundation. I will always be a student of the practice and am deeply grateful for the loving wisdom my teachers have shared with me.
In my classes, I love to combine creative sequencing, a spirit of playfulness and a dose of inspiration to help you deepen your practice. I seek to help others thrive in life by nurturing body, mind and soul with yoga, and my hope is that you step off the mat feeling refreshed, nourished and balanced.