I hope you’ve had a good rest and a happy and peaceful Christmas and New Year.
There are just 3 live classes this week: Tuesday and Saturday at Space to Breathe and Thursday at Studio Bhāvanā. Recorded classes are still available until 8th January. In class this week – we’ll be doing a yoga practice that invites us to think about what we would like to embrace and celebrate in the year ahead.
Full timetable starts next week with a new focus. Details for our first block of 2023 “Repetition, Trust, Patience” will be following very soon. TeenYoga returns next week, a monthly Yin class and a monthly Restorative class are being added to the timetable and a series of Workshops and CPD (teacher training) events are scheduled.
I’m looking forward to joining you back on our mats very soon. Until then – go well yogis.
I wish you a beautiful day and year ahead.
Kim Xx
YOGA NEWS W/C 2nd January 2023
Sankalpa is a Sanskrit term in yogic philosophy that refers to a heartfelt desire, a solemn vow, an intention, or a resolve to do something. It is similar to the English concept of a resolution, except that it comes from even deeper within and tends to be an affirmation. This term comes from the Sanskrit roots san, meaning “a connection with the highest truth,” and kalpa, meaning “vow.”
ON OUR MATS: In this class, you will use the Virabhadrasana (Warrior) poses as a way to embody the intention or Sankalpa that you would like to cultivate. Commitment is required for all the intentions that we have, not just the physical ones. The Warrior poses are an excellent way to connect to the power within yourself to enhance and embody your Sankalpa. With Virabhadrasana I, Virabhadrasana II, Virabhadrasana III, Goddess pose and more.
LIVING OUR YOGA: Each January the idea of setting New Year’s resolutions returns us to consciousness and while there is nothing wrong with setting a solution if this feels natural to us, most of the time we fall short of our goals within days, weeks or months, sometimes within hours. Resolutions are steadfast decisions to do or not do something. On the other hand, intentions might be seen as more compassionate, or subtle expressions of our hopes and deepest yearnings. Intentions tend to be qualitative whereas resolutions are often quantitative. Intentions offer us the chance to express either inwardly or outwardly what we hope to embody going forward. And since they are typically less measurable than resolutions, we might allow ourselves to move into and out of them as life permits.
TIMETABLE – W/C 2nd January 2023
Morning Flow Yoga at Space to Breathe. 9.30am – 10.45am. Book direct: https://spacetobreathecollective.co.uk
Moderate Flow Yoga: Studio Bhāvanā – 9.30am – 11.00am – one off class if there is enough interest – get in touch asap if you’d like this to go ahead. Drop-in £12.
Morning Flow Yoga at Space to Breathe. 10.30am – 11.45am. Book direct: https://spacetobreathecollective.co.uk