Hello and welcome,
Reminder – Thursday mornings classes are at Studio Bhāvanā this week (MFY is also available via zoom), this is while essential maintenance work is being carried out at Stoneygate Baptist Church, as space is limited in my studio,
those who have booked the whole block have priority and this means the class is full – you can ask to be added to the waiting list or join via Zoom. There is an extra class this week on Wednesday evening
– a 90 minute restorative yoga “Elusive Dreams” class aimed at improving sleep which includes a full yoga nidra
practice to prepare you for a blissful nights rest. All other classes are as usual. The new Hatha class will start as soon as I have enough interest so please get in touch if you’d like more information or to join the wait list. Booking is now open for the “Open Your Heart” workshop.
ON OUR MATS: Yoga is the willingness to be present. You can practice yoga all day, not just on your mat. How? When you are truly present, you are practising yoga. Throughout this week, repeat this mantra: Right here, right now.
LIVING OUR YOGA: Problems are transformed when we are present. When someone disagrees with you, stay present, listen, and then let them solve the problem.
TIMETABLE – Block 1 2023
Repetition, Trust, Patience.MONDAY
Beginners Yoga: Studio Bhāvanā & via ZOOM (Ref: BY-KWYSB-1)9.30am – 10.45pmDates:
January 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th, February 6th, 13th
Cost: 6-week block £60 orPAYG £12 per class if space available.
Evening Flow Yoga: Smeeton Westerby Village Hall
(ref: EFY-SWVH-1) 5.15pm to 6.30pmDates:
January 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th, February 6th, 13thCost:6-week block £54 or
PAYG £11 per class if space available.
Morning Flow Yoga: Space to Breathe. 9.30am – 10.45am. Book direct: https://spacetobreathecollective.co.uk
Every Tuesday – Not for profit so not included in multi-class discount offer.
Hatha Yoga: Studio Bhāvanā (ref: HY-KWYSB-1)5.00pm – 6.15pm
January 31st, February 7th, 14th
Cost: 3-week trial block £30
*Hatha Yoga – Mixed Levels – no experience requiredWhat exactly Hatha yoga actually is hasn’t changed for thousands of years. However, our thinking and perception of it certainly has. Language is a powerful thing, and in different cultures the same word can have a variety of definitions. Throughout the evolution of yoga practice, the same word – Hatha – has come to mean different things too. Popular thinking ‘in the West’ (an all-too-common expression now), is that Hatha yoga is about balancing the body and mind. ‘Ha’ represents the esoteric sun, and ‘tha’ the moon. The practice of Hatha yoga aims to join, yoke, or balance these two energies. A yoga class described as ‘Hatha’ will typically involve a set of physical postures (yoga poses) and breathing techniques. These are typically practised more slowly and with more static posture holds than a Vinyasa flow or Ashtanga class. And indeed, that is how we describe our Hatha yoga classes with Kim Woods Yoga. Literally however, Hatha means ‘force’ and is more traditionally defined as ‘the yoga of force’, or ‘the means of attaining a state of yoga through force’. So, Hatha yoga can be considered as anything you might do with the body, including: asana – yoga postures (practised in any style of ‘yoga’), pranayama – breathing techniques, mantra – chanting or reciting, mudra – hand gestures, shatkriyas and shatkarmas – cleansing techniques, types of visualisations.
Evening Flow Yoga: Studio Bhāvanā (ref: EFY-KWYSB-1)6.45pm – 8pm
January 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st, February 1st, 8th, 15th
Cost: 6-week block £60 or
PAYG £12 per class if space available.
Over 50s Yoga (Gentle Flow Yoga): Smeeton Westerby Village Hall (ref: GFY-SWVH-1). 2pm to 3.15pmDates:
January 11th, 18th, 25th, February 1st, 8th, 15thCost: 6-week block £54 or
PAYG £11 per class if space available.
TeenYoga: Studio Bhāvanā (ref: TY-SBC-1). 5pm – 6pm
January 11th, 18th, 25th, February 1st, 8th, 15th
Cost: 6-week block £60
Yin Yoga: Studio Bhāvanā (ref: YY-KWYSB). 6.15pm – 7.30pmDates: Dates to followCost:
PAYG £12 per class
Restorative Yoga: Studio Bhāvanā (ref: RY-KWYSB). 6.00pm – 7.30pmDates:
25th January – please book in usual way. A 90 minute restorative class for better sleep including a full yoga nidra practice. Super relaxing and restorative.Cost:
£12 per class
THURSDAYModerate Flow Yoga: Stoneygate Baptist Church Hall & Via ZOOM (ref: MFY-SBC-1). 9.30am – 10.45amDates: January 12th, 19th, 26th*, February 2nd, 9th, 16th
Cost: 6-week block £60 or
PAYG £12 per class if space available.
Mindfulness Yoga (adapted for all): Stoneygate Baptist Church Hall (Ref: BY-SBC-1). 11.00am – 12.15pmDates:
January 12th, 19th, 26th*, February 2nd, 9th, 16th
Cost: 6-week block £60 or
PAYG £12 per class if space available.
Teacher day. CPD events. Mentoring. Training.
Morning Flow Yoga at Space to Breathe. 10.30am – 11.45am. Book direct: https://spacetobreathecollective.co.uk
Every Saturday – Not for profit so not included in multi-class discount offer
Private classes and Specialist Workshops at Kim Woods Yoga – Studio Bhāvanā
***NOW BOOKING***Open your Heart: Yin (deep), Yang (energising), Restore (calming) 3 to 3.5 hour workshop including tea and cake – Studio Bhāvanā – £30 – 11th February 2pm to 5.30pm Yoga for Myofascial Release (CPD event) Friday 17th or Saturday 18th March – please register your interest. (6 hours – £60, includes workbook and massage kit)
Individual and small private groups up to 8 – bookings now being taken subject to availability. Perfect for specialist requirements, groups of friends, hen parties…..
Email/call to book, and please request health questionnaire if this is your first class with me or your details have changed. REMINDER: payments are due on or before the day of any class taken. THANK YOU.
Kim Woods Yoga Nurturing the light within 🧘🏼♀️