Hello and welcome,
Thank you for joining me this week – I hope are enjoying our various flows and balance challenges. We are continuing with our overall theme of Wisdom in Action this week so expect added nuances to our balance focused sequences, but expect to pause and revise.
Embodiment is not an obstacle to pure consciousness; it is an expression of it. Wisdom does not require us to eschew the world; we are to embrace it. The wise are called to affirm the world, while, of course, refraining from becoming fully enmeshed within it. Nothing is worth having if it isn’t worth sharing. Purpose in this world is defined by service to others. Imagine the impact you have when you teach what you know, and the transmissions that ripple down, touching life after life. Sometimes you will need to twist and change directions to get where you need to go. You maybe so focused on the goal ahead that you forget to look back and appreciate the people you are leaving behind. Take the this weeks abdominal twists as a chance to look in your rear view mirror, and to wring out emotional blocks. Take the opportunity to recalibrate your vision. Sometimes looking back is the way forward.
Shine well sweet souls.
Kim Xx
Belgrave Hall Wellbeing Festival
Restore, Renew, Explore £5 per class
Saturday 8th July
11am – 12pm Morning Flow Yoga (Energising) 60 minutes – Kim
12.15pm – 1.00pm Mindful Yoga (gentle and slow) 45 minutes – Kim
1.15pm – 2.15pm Yin Yoga (Slow and deep) 60 minutes – Bhavesh
2.30pm – 3.45pm Restorative Yoga (Blissful and healing) – Kim
Sunday 9th July
11am – 12pm Hatha yoga (strong and slow) 60 minutes – Bhavesh
12.15pm – 1-15pm Moderate Flow Yoga (Fun and energising) 60 minutes – Bhavesh
1.30pm – 2.15pm Modified ashtanga class 45 minutes – Bhavesh
2.30pm – 3.45pm Restorative & Yoga Nidra 75 minutes (Deeply Restful) – Kim
Email Kim to book.
REMINDER: payments are due on or before the day of any class taken – block booking discounts are only available when booked in advance. THANK YOU.
Late payments cause extra admin.
Beginners Yoga: Studio Bhāvanā (Ref: BY-KWYSB-2) 9.30am – 10.45pm
Dates: June 5, 12, 19, & 26
Cost: 4-week block £40 or PAYG £12 per class
Evening Flow Yoga: Smeeton Westerby Village Hall (ref: EFY-SWVH-2) 5.15pm to 6.30pm
Dates: June 5, 12, 19, & 26
Cost: 4-week block £36 or PAYG £11 per class
Morning Flow Yoga: Space to Breathe. 9.30am – 10.45am. Book direct: https://spacetobreathecollective.co.uk
Every Tuesday – Not for profit so not included in multi-class discount offer.
Yoga: Studio Bhāvanā (ref: HY-KWYSB) 5.30pm – 6.45pm
Dates: June 6, 13, 20 & 27
Cost: 4-week block £40 or £12 per class if space available.
Evening Flow Yoga: Studio Bhāvanā (ref: EFY-KWYSB) 7pm – 8.15pm
Dates: June 6, 13, 20 & 27
Cost: 4-week block £40 or £12 per class if space available.
Over 50s Yoga (Gentle Flow Yoga): Smeeton Westerby Village Hall (ref: GFY-SWVH). 2pm to 3.15pm
Dates: June 7,14, 21 & 28, July 5
Cost: 5-week block £45 or PAYG £11 per class.
Restorative Yoga: Studio Bhāvanā (ref: RY-KWYSB). 6.00pm – 7.30pm
Dates: Next class: TBC
Cost: £12 per class (Not included in multi-class discount offer)
Yin Yoga: Studio Bhāvanā (ref: YY-KWYSB). 6.00pm – 7.45pm
Dates: Next class: 7th June – Yin Practice and Self Massage for back and shoulders
Cost: £15 per class (Not included in multi-class discount offer)
Moderate Flow Yoga: Stoneygate Baptist Church Hall & Via ZOOM (ref: MFY-SBC). 9.30am – 10.45am
Dates: June 8, 15 & 22, July 6
Cost: 4-week block £40 or PAYG £12 per class
Mindfulness Yoga (adapted for all): Stoneygate Baptist Church Hall (Ref: BY-SBC). 11.00am – 12.15pm
Dates: June 8, 15 & 22, July 6
Cost: 4-week block £40 or PAYG £12 per class
Teacher day. CPD events. Mentoring. Training.
Morning Flow Yoga at Space to Breathe. 10.30am – 11.45am. Book direct: https://spacetobreathecollective.co.uk
Every Saturday – Not for profit so not included in multi-class discount offer
Private classes and Specialist Workshops with Kim Woods Yoga
Summer workshops TBC – watch this space
Private classes, corporate classes, specialist events etc – contact Kim to discuss.
Email/call to book, and please request health questionnaire if this is your first class with me or your details have changed. REMINDER: payments are due on or before the day of any class taken. THANK YOU.
Multiple class discounts (excludes restorative, yin and other ad-hoc classes and workshops, also excludes classes at the Space to Breathe as we are a NOT FOR PROFIT collective – excellent packages available direct). The second (and third) booked class in a given week will be charged at 50% discount.