Friday 14th April, 9.30am to 4.30pm, Studio Bhāvanā
Healthy Fasciae = Optimum Health
If you want to be flexible, graceful, and strong you need healthy fasciae (connective tissues).
Improve the health of your fasciae with yoga and self-massage to relieve pain, boost your energy, ease anxiety and depression, lower blood pressure and melt years off your body. This full-day workshop will guide you in looking deeper into your whole body and help you discover how your fasciae affect your overall health and wellbeing. When we have restriction in our body, our fasciae become dehydrated, stiff, weak and stuck. Along with hydration and other healthy lifestyle choices, YOGA, changes our connective tissues. We can promote relaxation and restore our fascial fluidity and feel our best. Understanding Fascia is a key component to understanding many benefits of a yoga practice. Stated simply, fascia is a type of connective tissue stemming from the Latin root meaning “bandage” or “band”. Fasciae are tough layers of connective tissue found throughout the entire human body. Leading scientists in the field say that it is the most expansive communication system in the body affecting everything we do and feel.
The workshop includes meditation and breathing techniques, two full slow yoga classes, a small amount of theory over coffee and cake, an extended self-massage session and a relaxing yoga nidra (yoga sleep) to end the day. Leave feeling lighter, more relaxed, and confident. You will take away a workbook, class plans and a basic self-massage tool kit (worth £20) so that you can repeat the practices learnt during the day and keep mind and body in the best possible health.
Workshop investment: £70 (includes massage kit, class plans and massage technique notes, questionnaire and fascia theory notes).
Teas, coffee and cake will be provided but please bring your own lunch.
Qualifies for 7 hours Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Yoga Alliance and other professions.
Please get in touch with Kim if you’d like to book your place or if you have any questions.
Kim Woods Yoga
Nurturing The Light Within