BLOCK 5, 2023 – MOKSHA: Exploring the Eight Limbs of Yoga
Hello and welcome,
Our summer timetable starts next week with a slightly reduced timetable so please check times and venues and join a different class if your usual one is not on. Classes at Space to Breathe continue without interruption.
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali refers to eight limbs of yoga, each of which offers guidance on how to live a meaningful and purposeful life. We’ll be learning about each one and how to incorporate them into your practice during the summer block. The word ‘yoga’ means to connect, unite or ‘yoke’. The thing we look to connect to is the true Self, also known as the ‘divine essence’, ‘ultimate self’, or atman. You might also think of this as the soul. If that way of thinking doesn’t resonate with you, then consider that the word yoga can also mean separation or disentanglement. The thing we’re disentangling from is whatever stops us from feeling free, as the ultimate goal of any yoga practice is to attain moksha, meaning liberation or freedom.
So how does one go about attaining this freedom through yoga? Does it come at the cost of an expensive yoga mat? Can you reach it by signing up to a detox retreat or by finally touching your toes? Probably not…..According to Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, there is an eight-fold path leading to liberation, known as the ‘Ashtanga Yoga System’ or ‘Eight Limbs of Yoga’ (the word ‘ashta’ means ‘eight’ and ‘anga’ means ‘limb’). The 8 Limbs of Yoga are as follows:
- YAMA – Restraints, moral disciplines or moral vows
- NIYAMA – Positive duties or observances
- ASANA – Posture
- PRANAYAMA – Breathing techniques
- PRATYAHARA – Sense withdrawal
- DHARANA – Focused concentration
- DHYANA – Meditative absorption
- SAMADHI – Bliss or enlightenment
I look forward to seeing you back on our mats next week.
Kim Xx
July 17th – August 31st
REMINDER: Payments are due on or before the day of any class taken – block booking discounts are only available when booked in advance. Late payments cause extra admin. THANK YOU.
Regular classes resume on September the 18th but look out for summer Monday workshops.
Morning Flow Yoga: Space to Breathe, 9.30am – 10.45am. Book direct: https://spacetobreathecollective.co.uk
Every Tuesday – Not for profit so not included in multi-class discount offer.
Hatha Yoga: Studio Bhāvanā, 5.30pm – 6.45pm
Dates: July 18, 25, August 1, 8, 15, 22, & 29
Cost: 7-week block £70 or PAYG £12 per class if space available.
Evening Flow Yoga: Studio Bhāvanā, 7pm – 8.15pm
Dates: July 18, 25, August 1, 8, 15, 22, & 29
Cost: 7-week block £70 or PAYG £12 per class if space available.
Over 50s Yoga (Gentle Flow Yoga): Smeeton Westerby Village Hall 2pm to 3.15pm
Dates: July 19, 26, August 2, 9, 16, 23, & 30
Cost: 7-week block £63 or PAYG £11 per class if space available.
Restorative Yoga: Studio Bhāvanā, 6.00pm – 7.30pm
Dates: Next class: 26th July – Elusive Dreams
Cost: £12 per class (Not included in multi-class discount offer)
Yin Yoga: Studio Bhāvanā, 6.00pm – 8pm
Dates: Next class: 7th or 9th Aug TBC – Yin Practice and Self Massage for back and shoulders
Cost: £15 per class (Not included in multi-class discount offer)
Please note that during the quieter summer period Thursday classes will take place at Studio Bhāvanā (details below) but will return to Stoneygate Baptist Church from September 21st.
Moderate Flow Yoga: Studio Bhāvanā & Via ZOOM, 9.30am – 10.45am
Dates: July 20, 27, August 3, 10, 17, 24, & 31
Cost: 7-week block £70 or PAYG £12 per class if space available.
Mindfulness Yoga (adapted for all): Studio Bhāvanā & Via ZOOM, 11.00am – 12.15pm
Dates: July 20, 27, August 3, 10, 17, 24, & 31
Cost: 7-week block £70 or PAYG £12 per class if space available.
Morning Flow Yoga at Space to Breathe. 10.30am – 11.45am. Book direct: https://spacetobreathecollective.co.uk
Every Saturday – Not for profit so not included in multi-class discount offer
Private classes and Specialist Workshops with Kim Woods Yoga
Summer workshops, dates to follow: Please register interest
Yin Practice and Self Massage for back and shoulders – evening 2 hours
Yoga and Myofascial Release – full day
Inversions and forearm balances – 2 half days
Yin, Yang, Restore – half day