Dear all,
We’ll continue to explore the concept of Purusa – our true nature. Our focus for this week is “Moving Deeper” – fairly self explanatory! We’ll be refining our poses with further practice and elevating into various inversions, specifically suited to each class, to draw out both mental and physical strength. Where possible we’ll be resting in floating savasana (props required) to allow space for going deeper.
I’m running a new quarterly extended restorative yoga class at The Space to Breathe – the first one is on the 17th February from 1.30pm to 3.30pm, “Elusive Dreams” with full yoga nidra practice – only £15 and includes tea and chocolate brownies. It can be booked online already and the link is here… https://spacetobreathecollective.as.me/restorative-with-kim
My good friend (and fabulous very experienced yoga teacher), Anna Ashby, is running a Yoga Retreat in Cornwall this March – there are some spaces left if anyone is interested. Details here:
Have a good weekend.
Love,Kim xxx
Block 1, 2024
Week 5: Moving Deeper
What exactly does it feel like to set your mind free from its entanglement in the material world and reorient your sense of identity in the spirit? Perhaps Perusa defies our ability to describe it because it is ultimately not of this world of mind and matter, it is not and cannot be bound by words and logic. Even the great sage, Patanjali chose not to answer that question. Accordingly, to him, the final state of liberation happens when purusa recognises its true nature and never waivers from that state, but he leaves the question of what that actually feels like unanswered. There is no great flowering poem about Divine revelation, no attempt to define the eternal realm of the spirit in the Yoga Sutras. There is only the technique that will lead you to the experience first-hand. Yoga is a practise more than a philosophy. It is an experiential tool whose efficacy rests in the ability of the practitioner to directly perceive the most rarefied states of the spirit within. Every step along the yoga path is a movement deeper into the realisation of purusa.
Beginners Yoga: Studio Bhāvanā & Via Zoom (Ref: BY-KWYSB)9.15am – 10.30pmDates for Block 1: January 8, 15, 22 &
29, February 5 & 12
Cost: 6-week block £60 or £12 per class PAYG
Evening Flow Yoga: Smeeton Westerby Village Hall
(ref: EFY-SWVH) 5.15pm to 6.30pmDates for Block 1: January 8, 15, 22 &
29, February 5 & 12
Cost: 6-week block £60 or £12 per class PAYG
The Monday Club: Westend Neighbourhood Centre – 7.30pm to 9.30pm
Accessible Yoga for Adults with Autism spectrum disorder or Asperger Syndrome
Members only.
Morning Flow Yoga: Space to Breathe. 9.30am – 10.45am. Book direct: https://spacetobreathecollective.co.uk
Every Tuesday – Not for profit so not included in multi-class discount offer.
Hatha Yoga: Studio Bhāvanā (ref: HY-KWYSB)5.30pm – 6.45pm
Dates for Block 1: January 9, 16, 23 & 30, February 6 & 13
Cost: 6-week block £60 or £12 per class PAYG
Hatha Yoga: Studio Bhāvanā (ref: HY-KWYSB)7pm – 8.15pm
Dates for Block 1: January 9, 16, 23 & 30, February 6 & 13
Cost: 6-week block £60 or £12 per class PAYG
Gentle Flow Yoga: Smeeton Westerby Village Hall (ref: GFY-SWVH). 2pm to 3.15pm
Dates for Block 1: January 10, 17, 24 & 31, February 7 & 14
Cost: 6-week block £54 or £11 per class PAYG
Restorative Yoga: Studio Bhāvanā (ref: RY-KWYSB). 6.00pm – 7.30pmDates: Next class: “The Heart of the Matter” 31st January Cost: £13 per class (Not included in multi-class discount offer)
Moderate Flow Yoga: Studio Bhāvanā & via Zoom (ref: MFY-KWYSB). 9.15am – 10.30am
Dates for Block 1: January 11, 18 & 25, February 1, 8 & 15
Cost: 6-week block £60 or £12 per class PAYG
Mindfulness Yoga (adapted for all):Studio Bhāvanā (ref: MFY-KWYSB). 11.00am – 12.15pm
Dates for Block 1: January 11, 18 & 25, February 1, 8 & 15
Cost: 6-week block £60 or £12 per class PAYG
Teacher day. CPD events. Mentoring. Training. Workshops.
Morning Flow Yoga at Space to Breathe. 10.30am – 11.45am. Book direct: https://spacetobreathecollective.co.uk
Every Saturday – Not for profit so not included in multi-class discount offer
RESTORATIVE YOGA: Elusive Dreams – a practice to soothe your senses and aid better sleep.
Saturday 17th February 2024, 1.30pm to 3.30pm at The Space to Breathe (£15)
Relaxation is one of the most important practices to learn for mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. This deeply restorative yoga practice, Elusive Dreams, includes poses that help soothe your senses so that you sleep with ease. The use of props provides a completely supportive environment for total relaxation.
As you relax your body with this series of restorative yoga poses, you will also learn to relax your mind. In yoga there is a practice called PRATYAHARA. A Sanskrit term that means “the conscious withdrawal of energy from the senses.” Often misunderstood as the shutting oneself away from the external world, pratyahara more accurately means that while the sensory input is registered in the mind, this input does not disturb the mind. Ideally this is what happens during conscious relaxation: you learn to remain aware of the bodily sensations and your thoughts without being swept away by them. This is an important skill to master, especially if you are being kept awake by rumination on the past, the future, or the what-ifs of life.Expect to leave feeling deeply rested and revived and better prepared for blissful sleep.
Book here: https://spacetobreathecollective.as.me/restorative-with-kim