Hello and welcome, This Monday we have our monthly restorative class and it is aligned with this weeks overall theme of PRATYAHARA – Patanjali’s eighth limb of yoga, the class is designed to soothe the senses, quieten the mind and aid restful sleep – details below, all welcome. We’ll continue in different ways in our regular classes this week […]

Restorative Yoga Immersion for Teachers and Trainees with Anna Ashby

Spacetobreathe will be hosting and immersive experience of Restorative Yoga for teachers and trainees allowing space and time to explore the practice and to deeply rest. The interiority and stillness embodied by this style of yoga shift the nervous system out of ‘fight or flight’ into a deeply felt relaxation response. The session will take […]

Freedom, Liberation, Emancipation, Bliss

SUMMER YOGA NEWSBLOCK 5, 2023 – MOKSHA: Exploring the Eight Limbs of Yoga Hello and welcome, Our summer timetable starts next week with a slightly reduced timetable so please check times and venues and join a different class if your usual one is not on. Classes at Space to Breathe continue without interruption. The Yoga […]

Wisdom in Action

YOGA NEWS W/C 12th JuneBLOCK 4, 2023 – Wisdom in Action 2 “Love Thyself” Wisdom, Action, Consciousness Hello and welcome, I hope you’re having a good week and are enjoying the sun coming out today whatever your day brings. There are no changes to the timetable this week but I have opened booking for classes […]

Self-Care using Yoga and Fascia Therapy

Blissful Full-day Retreat Including Kit and Training for Self Massage Hello and welcome, I can’t quite believe we’re nearing the end of our second block of 2023, it’s the last week of the series for most classes before the Easter break. Thank you for joining me on this journey. I’m planning for Block 3 so […]


Now open for booking:  “Disturbed Rhythms” Restorative yoga to restore balance including yoga nidra –  TUESDAY 21st February 6pm – 7.30pm.  “Open Your Heart” – Yin, Yang, Restore workshop – SATURDAY 11th March 2pm – 5.30pm. “Yoga for Myofascial Release” workshop – FRIDAY 14th April 9.30am to 4pm. ALSO, two new workshops coming soon:  “Yoga, mala and mantra […]

Happy New Year

I’m now taking bookings for Block 1, 2023 – Repetition, Trust, Patience ………. I’ve also added a few workshop dates. I’m very much looking forward to seeing you back on our mats.Wishing you peace and happiness.Namaste, Kim Xx TIMETABLE – Block 1 2023 Multiple class discounts (excluding Space to Breathe as we are a NOT […]

Yoga News 12th December

This is our last week of full schedule before we take a break for the Christmas holidays, classes at Space to Breathe will continue without interruption. Also, look out for holiday pop-up classes at Studio Bhāvanā and via Zoom. Recorded classes are available over the holidays for a small charge. In class this week – […]

Let go!

In class this week – Moving From A Foundation Of Contentment theme continues but with lots of new asana, our focus this week – “Let Go”. Christmas wish lists – Liforme mats, Yoga Studio mats, cork and foam blocks and bricks – great choice of colours and good discounts for packages ….. free quality incense […]